Thursday, November 15, 2012

One Thing Leads to Another

Sometimes you begin a small chore and it ends up leading to a lot more than you had planned on.  I had noticed that over the years we had accumulated odd pieces of glassware that we weren't using.  Packing them up for donation to the Salvation Army seemed like a small task.  But it ended up with cleaning and rearranging several shelves, and it took all of yesterday afternoon.  It's embarassing to think about how long it's been since the very top shelf of the kitchen cabinet has been cleaned.  It's done now, and it brings a great feeling of accomplishment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day Pride

Yesterday (Monday Holiday for Veteran's Day) when we went out to breakfast at Jack's I was wearing my t-shirt with the helicopters on it and "Proud Mother of an Army Chopper Pilot".  I was also wearing the set of wings that I got when my son got his.  The cashier commented on it, asking where my son was stationed and thanking me for his service.

Will is stateside at the moment, and I got to speak with him on Sunday.  I also spoke with our grandson Liam, who turned 4 years old on the traditional Veteran's Day, November 11.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Resurfacing and Community Days

The City of Chicago is in the process of resurfacing my street.  So far they have managed to finish the "grinding" process (removing the top 2-3 inches of old asphalt).  I'm amazed at how quickly and efficiently this was accomplished.  Two large trucks filled with what used to be street are now parked across from my house.  I don't know what the workmen's schedule is for the rest of the day.  I just hope there isn't any equipment blocking my driveway when it's time for me to leave for Harlem-Irving Plaza to sell coupon books for Carson's Community Days to benefit my church.  It's a really good deal.  The books cost $5.00 and contain a $10.00 coupon.  The church gets to keep all the proceeds from sales made up until today, and we share with other participating organizations in whatever is sold at the store today and tomorrow.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Internet is Forever

I'm surprised this is still here.  Maybe I'll start this up again.